
I am currently Project Lead at the Centre for Creative Technologies, University of Galway, and Digital Humanities Manager at the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, University of Galway. I work with researchers from the arts and humanities on digital projects and data visualisation.

See details of publications, workshops and training related to this role.

Previously, I was a co-producer of A Tribal Vision – a year-long project featuring in-depth 52 interviews with some of the community behind Galway’s Creative Culture. I worked as Research Technologist for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences research at NUI Galway, and as a web developer & designer based in Galway, Ireland, where I set up and ran Ambient Age, a Web Design, Development and Consultancy company. I also founded BeautyBoss, a SaaS web application to help small service-oriented businesses to manage and market their business.

Other academic / research-related history

In the past, I worked as a part-time Lecturer in Business Information Systems at University College Cork. During this time I delivered modules related to Web Design and Development for Business / Multimedia Applications.

During my time at UCC, I worked as a researcher in the area of Open Source Software. The CALIBRE (Coordination Action for Libre Software in Europe) research project was an EU FP6 funded project focusing on Open Source / Libre Software which ran between 2004 and 2006 and involved 12 Universities and a wide range of industrial partners from a variety of sectors. Further information on the goals, scope and outcomes of the project are available from the CALIBRE website.

I was a Government of Ireland post-graduate research scholar, awarded by the Irish Research Council in 2007-08. Further information on my research and my Publications are available from the site’s Research Section.

I have previously completed a Masters Degree in Electronic Business and Commerce at UCC, a Higher Diploma in Systems Analysis (Business Systems Development) at NUI Galway, and a Bachelor of Business Studies (Marketing) Degree at the Galway Mayo Institue of Technology (GMIT).


I have acted as a reviewer for a number of leading International Conferences and Journals in the area of Information Systems, including:

  • Information Systems Journal (on a number of papers between 2005 and 2007);
  • European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2006, 2007 (as a reviewer on two conference tracks), 2008, 2014.
  • International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2007;
  • IFIP WG2.13 (Open Source Semantics), Third International Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS 2007.
  • I acted as an Invited Discussant at the IFIP WG8.6 (Transfer and Diffusion of IT) Conference on the Transfer and Diffusion of Information Technology for Organizational Resiliance, 2006.