Complete Research Bibliography

The list of references below cover the core overlapping areas of IT Standards, IS/IT Adoption & Diffusion, and Ambient Intelligence (and Ubiquitous / Pervasive Computing). Also included are research papers which focus on topics of interest within Mobile computing, Complex Systems, Disruptive Technologies, and General & IS Innovation.

  1. (2002). The Future is in Knowledge and Competence, Tekes, Finish National Technology Agency.
  2. (2002). Innovation Networks. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  3. Aarts, E. (2004). "Ambient Intelligence: A Multimedia Perspective." IEEE Multimedia 11(1): 12-19.
  4. Aarts, E. and S. Marzano (2003). The New Everyday: Views on Ambient Intelligence. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 010 Publishers.
  5. Abowd, G., C. Atkeson, et al. (1997). "Cyberguide: A Mobile Context-Aware Tour Guide." Wireless Networks 3(5): 421-433.
  6. Abowd, G. and E. Mynatt (2000). "Charting past, present and future research in ubiquitous computing." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 7(1): 29-58.
  7. Abowd, G., E. Mynatt, et al. (2002). "The Human Experience." IEEE Pervasive Computing 1(1): 48-57.
  8. Abrahamson, E. (1991). "Managerial Fads and Fashions: The Diffusion and Rejection of Innovations." Academy of Management Journal 16(3): 586-612.
  9. Adam, F. and M. Healy (2000). A Practical Guide to Postgraduate Research in the Business Area. Dublin, Blackhall Publishing.
  10. Adner, R. (2002). "When are Technologies Disruptive? A Demand-Based View of the Emergence of Competition." Strategic Management Journal 23: 667-688.
  11. Afuah, A. (2003). "Redefining Firm Boundaries in the Face of the Internet: Are Firms Really Shrinking?" Academy of Management Review 28(1): 34-53.
  12. Aggarwal, N. and E. Walden (2003). Monopoly Power in Standards is a Myth. MISQ Special Issue Workshop: Standard Making: A Critical Research Frontier for Information Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  13. Aggarwal, N. and E. Walden (2005). Standards Setting Consortia: A Transaction Cost Perspective. Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, IEEE.
  14. Allen, J. P. (2000). "Information Systems as Technological Innovation." Information Technology and People 13(3): 210-221.
  15. Amigoni, F., N. Gatti, et al. (2005). What Planner for Ambient Intelligence Applications? IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE.
  16. Andersen, B. (1999). "The Hunt for S-Shaped Growth Paths in Technological Innovation: A Patent Study." Journal of Evolutionary Economics 9: 487-526.
  17. Anderson, P. (1999). "Complexity Theory and Organization Science." Organization Science 10(3): 216-232.
  18. Anderson, P. and P. Tushman (1990). "Technological Discontinuities and Dominant Designs: A Cyclical Model of Technological Change." Administrative Science Quarterly 35(4): 604-633.
  19. Andersson, M. (2006). Ubiquitous Transport Systems: Negotiating Context Through a Mobile-Stationary Interface. 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2006). J. Ljungberg and M. Andersson. Goteborg, Sweden.
  20. Andersson, M. and R. Lindgren (2005). "The Mobile-Stationary Divide in Ubiquitous Computing Environments: Lessons from the Transport Industry." Information Systems Management 22(4): 65-79.
  21. Araya, A. (1995). Questioning Ubiquitous Computing. Proceedings of the 1995 ACM 23rd Annual Conference on Computer Science Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  22. Attewell, P. (1992). "Technology Diffusion and Organizational Learning: The Case of Business Computing." Organization Science 3(1): 1-19.
  23. Au, Y. A. and R. Kaufmann (2001). "Should We Wait? Network Externalities, Compatibility, and Electronic Billing Adoption." Journal of Management Information Systems 18(2): 47-63.
  24. Backhouse, J., C. W. Hsu, et al. (2006). "Circuits of Power in Creating De Jure Standards: Shaping an International Information Systems Security Standard." MIS Quarterly 30(Special Issue): 413-438.
  25. Baldwin, C. Y. and K. B. Clark (1997). "Managing in an Age of Modularity." Harvard Business Review 75(5): 84-93.
  26. Banavar, G., J. Beck, et al. (2000). Challenges: An Application Model for Pervasive Computing. Proceedings of the 6th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking, Boston, Massachusetts, United States ACM Press.
  27. Banavar, G. and A. Bernstein (2002). "Software Infrastructure and Design Challenges for Ubiquitous Computing Applications." Communications of the ACM 45(12): 92-96.
  28. Bannon, L. (1998). Computer Supported Collaborative Working: Challenging Perspectives on Work and Technology, John Wiley & Sons.
  29. Bannon, L., S. Benford, et al. (2005). "Hybrid Design Creates Innovative Museum Experiences." Communications of the ACM 48(3): 62-65.
  30. Barnett, W. P. (1990). "The Organizational Ecology of a Technological System." Administrative Science Quarterly 35: 31-60.
  31. Baskerville, R. and J. Preis-Heje (1998). "Information Technology Diffusion: Building Positive Barriers." European Journal of Information Systems 7(1): 17-28.
  32. Baskerville, R. and J. Preis-Heje (2001). "A Multiple-Theory Analysis of a Diffusion of Information Technology Case." Information Systems Journal 11: 181-212.
  33. Bayer, J. and N. Melone (1989). "A Critique of Diffusion Theory as a Managerial Framework for Understanding Adoption of Software Engineering Innovations." Journal of Systems and Software 9(2): 161-166.
  34. Benamati, J. and A. L. Lederer (2001). "Rapid Information Technology Change, Coping Mechanisims, and the Emerging Technologies Group." Journal of Management Information Systems 17(4): 183-202.
  35. Benbasat, I., D. Goldstein, et al. (1987). "The Case Research Strategy in Studies of Information Systems." MIS Quarterly 11(3): 369-386.
  36. Benbya, H. and B. McKelvey (2006). "Toward a Complexity Theory of Information Systems Development." Information Technology and People 19(1): 12-34.
  37. Benford, S., C. Magerkurth, et al. (2005). "Bridging the Physical and Digintal in Pervasive Gaming." Communications of the ACM 48(3): 54-57.
  38. Beresford, A. and F. Stajano (2003). "Location Privacy in Pervasive Computing." IEEE Pervasive Computing 2(1): 46-55.
  39. Besen, S. M. and J. Farrell (1994). "Choosing How to Compete: Strategies and Tactics in Standardization." Journal of Economic Perspectives 8(2): 117-131.
  40. Bichler, M., A. Segev, et al. (1998). "Component-Based E-Commerce: Assessment of Current Practices and Future Directions." ACM Sigmod Record 27(4): 7-14.
  41. Boddupalli, P., F. Al-Bin-Ali, et al. (2003). Payment Support in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications.
  42. Bonaccorsi, A. and C. Rossi (2003). "Why Open Source Software can Succeed." Research Policy 32(7): 1243-1258.
  43. Bond, E. U. and M. B. Houston (2003). "Barriers to Matching New Technologies and Market Opportunities in Established Firms." Journal of Product Innovation Management 20: 120-135.
  44. Borriello, G., M. Chalmers, et al. (2005). "Delivering Real-World Ubiquitous Location Systems." Communications of the ACM 48(3): 36-41.
  45. Borriello, G. and R. Want (2000). "Embedded Computation Meets the World Wide Web." Communications of the ACM 43(5): 59-66.
  46. Bower, J. L. and C. M. Christensen (1995). "Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave." Harvard Business Review 73(1): 43-.
  47. Bradford, M. and J. Florin (2003). "Examining the Role of Innovation Diffusion Factors on the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems." International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 4(3): 205-225.
  48. Braun, E. (1998). Technology in Context : Technology Assessment for Managers London ; New York Routledge.
  49. Brynjolfsson, E. and C. F. Kemerer (1996). "Network Externalities in Microcomputer Software: An Econometric Analysis of the Spreadsheet Market." Management Science 42(12): 1627-1647.
  50. Buderi, R. (2001). "Computing Goes Everywhere." Technology Review 104(1).
  51. Bush, V. (1945). "As We May Think." Atlantic Monthly 176(1): 101-108.
  52. Cadman, J. (2003). Deploying Commercial Location Aware Systems. Proceedings of the 2003 Workshop on Location-Aware Computing.
  53. Cantner, U. and A. Pyka (2001). "Classifying Technology Policy from an Evolutionary Perspective." Research Policy 30: 759-775.
  54. Carayannis, E. and J. Coleman (2005). "Creative System Design Methodologies: The Case of Complex Technical Systems." Technovation 25: 831-840.
  55. Chae, B. and G. F. Lanzara (2006). "Self-Destructive Dynamics in Large-Scale Technochange and Some Ways of Counteracting it." Information Technology and People 19(1): 74-97.
  56. Chau, P. Y. K. and K. Y. Tam (1997). "Factors Affecting the Adoption of Open Systems: An Exploratory Study." MIS Quarterly 21(1): 1-24.
  57. Chen, G. and D. Kotz (2000). A Survey of Context-Aware Mobile Computing Research. Technical Report TR2000-381, Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College.
  58. Chen, L. and R. Nath (2005). "Nomadic Culture: Cultural Support for Working Anytime, Anywhere." Information Systems Management 22(4): 56-64.
  59. Chen, L. and J. Tan (2004). "Technology Adaption in E-Commerce: Key Determinants of Virtual Stores Acceptance." European Management Journal 22(1): 74-86.
  60. Chen, P.-y. and C. Forman (2006). "Can Vendors Influence Switching Costs and Compatibility in an Environment with Open Standards?" MIS Quarterly 30(Special Issue): 541-562.
  61. Chengalur-Smith, I. and P. Duchessi (1999). "The Initiation and Adoption of Client-Server Technology in Organizations." Information & Management 35: 77-88.
  62. Cheok, A. D., X. Yang, et al. (2002). "Touch-Space: Mixed Reality Game Space Based on Ubiquitous, Tangible, and Social Computing." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(5/6): 430-442.
  63. Chin, J., V. Callaghan, et al. (2004). Pervasive Computing and Urban Development: Issues for the individual and society. The International Research Foundation for Development (IRFD): UN-Habitat World Urban Forum, Barcelona, Spain, .
  64. Chin, W. and A. Gopal (1995). "Adoption Intention in GSS: Relative Importance of Beliefs." ACM SIGMIS Database 26(2&3): 42-64.
  65. Choudrie, J., A. Papazafeiropoulou, et al. (2003). "A Web of Stakeholders and Strategies: A Case of Broadband Diffusion in South Korea." Journal of Information Technology 18: 281-290.
  66. Christensen, J. F., M. H. Olesen, et al. (2005). "The Industrial Dynamics of Open Innovation – Evidence from the Transformation of Consumer Electronics." Research Policy 34(10): 1533-1549.
  67. Christiaanse, E. and J. Rodon (2005). "A Multilevel Analysis of eHub Adoption and Consequences." Electronic Markets 15(4): 355-364.
  68. Christiaanse, E., T. Van Diepen, et al. (2004). "Proprietary versus Internet Technologies and the Adoption and Impact of Electronic Marketplaces." Journal of Strategic Information Systems 13(2): 151-165.
  69. Chung, J., K. Lin, et al. (2003). "Web Services Computing: Advancing Software Interoperability." Computer 36(10): 35-37.
  70. Chung, S. H., R. K. Ranier, et al. (2003). "The Impact of Information Technology Infrastructure Felxibility on Strategic Alignment and Applications Implementation." Communications of the AIS 11: 191-209.
  71. Cilliers, P. (1998). Complexity and Postmodernism: Understanding Complex Systems. London, Routledge.
  72. Cohen, W. M. and D. Levinthal (1990). "Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation." Administrative Science Quarterly 35: 128-152.
  73. Consolvo, S., L. Arnstein, et al. (2002). User Study Techniques in the Design and Evaluation of a Ubicomp Environment. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
  74. Cothrel, J. (2000). "Community Will Drive Wireless Web." Inter@ctive Week 7(13): 124.
  75. Cousins, K. C. and D. Robey (2003). Patterns of Use Within Nomadic Computing Environments: An Agency Perspective on Access – Anytime, Anywhere. Workshop on Ubiqutious Computing Environments, Case Western Reserve University, OH, USA.
  76. Coutaz, J., J. L. Crowley, et al. (2005). "Context is Key." Communications of the ACM 48(3): 49-53.
  77. Da Costa, O. and Y. Punie (2003). Ambient Intelligence in Everyday Life: A Function-Oriented Science & Technology Roadmapping Project. New Media and Everyday Life in Europe: EMTEL Final Conference, European Media, Technology and Everyday Life Research Network. London.
  78. Daft, R. L. (1978). "A Dual-Core Model of Organizational Innovation." Academy of Management Journal 21(2): 193-210.
  79. Dahlander, L. and M. G. Magnusson (2005). "Relationships between Open Source Software Companies and Communities: Observations from Nordic Firms." Research Policy 34(4): 481-493.
  80. Damsgaard, J. and K. Lyytinen (1998). "Contours of Diffusion of Electronic Data Interchange in Finland: Overcoming Technological Barriers and Collaborating to Make it Happen." Journal of Strategic Information Systems 7(4): 275-297.
  81. Damsgaard, J. and D. Treux (2000). "Binary Trading Relations and the Limits of EDI Standards: the Procrustean Bed of Standards." European Journal of Information Systems 9: 173-188.
  82. Darke, P., G. Shanks, et al. (1998). "Successfully Completing Case Study Research: Combining Rigour, Relevance and Pragmatism." Information Systems Journal 8(4): 273-289.
  83. Datta, P. (2002). A Modular Systems Perspective of IT Infrastructure Configurations and Productivity. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2002), Barcelona, Spain.
  84. David, P. A. (1985). "Clio and the Economics of QWERTY." The American Economic Review 75(2): 332-337.
  85. Davidyuk, O., J. Riekki, et al. (2004). Context-Aware Middleware for Mobile Multimedia Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. College Park, Maryland, USA, ACM.
  86. Davies, N. and H.-W. Gellersen (2002). "Beyond Prototypes: Challenges in Deploying Ubiquitous Computing Systems." IEEE Pervasive Computing 1(1): 26-35.
  87. Davis, F. D., R. P. Bagozzi, et al. (1989). "User Acceptance of Computer Technology: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models." Management Science 35(8): 982-1003.
  88. Davis, G. B. (2002). "Anytime/Anyplace Computing and the Future of Knowledge Work." Communications of the ACM 45(2): 67-73.
  89. de Laat, P. B. (2005). "Copyright of Copyleft? An Analysis of Property Regimes for Software Development." Research Policy 34(10): 1511-1532.
  90. Dedrick, J. and J. West (2003). Why Firms Adopt Open Source Platforms: Grounded Theory of Innovation and Standards Adoption. MISQ Special Issue Workshop: Standard Making: A Critical Research Frontier for Information Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  91. Dey, A. (2001). "Understanding and Using Context." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5(1): 4-7.
  92. Dey, A. and G. Abowd (2000). Towards a Better Understanding of Context and Context-Awareness. In the Workshop on The What, Who, Where, When, and How of Context-Awareness, as part of the 2000 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2000). The Hague, The Netherlands.
  93. Dosi, G. (1982). "Technological Paradigms and Technological Trajectories: A Suggested Interpretation of the Determinants and Directions of Technical Change." Research Policy 11: 147-162.
  94. Dourish, P. (2004). "What We Talk About When We Talk About Context." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(1): 19-30.
  95. Downs, G. W. and L. B. Mohr (1976). "Conceptual Issues in the Study of Innovation." Administrative Science Quarterly 21: 700-714.
  96. Dranove, D. and N. Gandal (2003). " The DVD-vs.-DIVX Standard War: Empirical Evidence of Network Effects and Preannouncement Effects." Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 12(3): 363-386.
  97. Drury, D. H. and A. Farhoomand (1999). "Innovation Diffusion and Implementation." International Journal of Innovation Management 3(2): 133-157.
  98. Dryer, D. C., C. Eisbach, et al. (1999). "At What Cost Pervasive? A Social View of Mobile Computing Systems." IBM Systems Journal 38(4): 652-676.
  99. Ducatel, K., Bogdanowicz, et al. (2001). Scenarios for Ambient Intelligence in 2010. ISTAG, European Commission.
  100. Dutta, A. and R. Roy (2003). "Anticipating Internet Diffusion." Communications of the ACM 46(2): 66-71.
  101. Economides, N. (1998). Competition and Vertical Integration in the Computing Industry. Competition, Innovation, and the Role of Antitrust in the Digital Marketplace. Eisenach J.A. and T. M. Lenard, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  102. Edwards, W. K. and R. E. Grinter (2001). At Home with Ubiquitous Computing: Seven Challenges. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing.
  103. Edwards, W. K., M. W. Newman, et al. (2005). "Bringing Network Effects to Pervasive Spaces." Pervasive Computing 4(3): 15-17.
  104. Egyedi, T. M. and A. Dahanayake (2003). Difficulties Implementing Standards. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, Delft, Netherlands, IEEE.
  105. Esler, M., J. Hightower, et al. (1999). Next Century Challenges: Data-Centric Networking for Invisible Computing: the Portolano project at the University of Washington. Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Seattle, Washington, USA, ACM/IEEE.
  106. Ethiraj, S. K. and D. Levinthal (2004). "Modularity and Innovation in Complex Systems." Management Science 50(2): 159-173.
  107. Fano, A. and A. Gershman (2002). "The Future of Business Services in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing." Communications of the ACM 45(12): 83-87.
  108. Farrell, J. and G. Saloner (1985). "Standardization, Compatibility, and Innovation." Rand Journal of Economics 16(1): 70-83.
  109. Farrell, J. and G. Saloner (1986). "Installed Base and Compatibility: Innovation, Product Preannouncements, and Predation." The American Economic Review 76(5): 940-955.
  110. Feng, P. (2003). Studying Standardization: A Review of the Literature. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, IEEE.
  111. Fichman, R. G. (1992). Information technology diffusion: a review of empirical research. Proceedings of the thirteenth international conference on Information systems Dallas, Texas, United States University of Minnesota
  112. Fichman, R. G. (2000). The Diffusion and Assimilation of Information Technology Innovations. Framing the Domains of IT Management: Projecting the Future Through the Past. R. Zmud, Pinnaflex Publishing.
  113. Fichman, R. G. (2004). "Going Beyond the Dominant Paradigm for Information Technology Innovation Research: Emerging Concepts and Methods." Journal of the Association for Information Systems 5(8): 314-355.
  114. Fichman, R. G. (2004). "Real Options and IT Platform Adoption: Implications for Theory and Practice." Information Systems Research 15(2): 132-154.
  115. Fichman, R. G. and C. F. Kemerer (1993). "Adoption of Software Engineering Process Innovations: The Case of Object Orientation." Sloan Management Review 34(2): 7-22.
  116. Fichman, R. G. and C. F. Kemerer (1997). "The Assimilation of Software Process Innovations: An Organizational Learning Perspective." Management Science 43(10): 1345-1363.
  117. Fichman, R. G. and C. F. Kemerer (1999). "The Illusory Diffusion of Innovation: An Examination of Assimilation Gaps." Information Systems Research 10(3): 255-275.
  118. Fife, E. and F. Pereira (2003). "The Diffusion of Mobile Data Applications." Journal of Communication Network 2(3): 5-11.
  119. Finin, T., A. Joshi, et al. (2002). "Intelligent Agents for Mobile and Embedded Devices." International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 11(3/4): 205.
  120. Fleish, E. and C. Tellkamp (2003). The Challenge of Identifying Value-Creating Ubiquitous Computing Applications. in Ubiquitous Commerce Workshop, UbiComp 2003, Seattle, WA, USA.
  121. Fomin, V. and T. Keil (2000). Standardization: Bridging the Gap between Economic and Social Theory. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
  122. Freeman, C. (1982). The Economics of Industrial Innovation. London, Frances Pinter (Publishers) Limited.
  123. Friedewald, M., O. Da Costa, et al. (2005). "Perspectives of Ambient Intelligence in the Home Environment." Telematics and Informatics 22(3): 221-238.
  124. Fujinami, K., T. Yamabe, et al. (2004). "Take Me With You!": A Case Study of Context-Aware Application Integrating Cyber and Physical Spaces. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  125. Funk, J. L. and D. T. Mehte (2001). "Market- and Committee-Based Mechanisms in the Creation and Diffusion of Global Industry Standards: The case of mobile Communication." Research Policy 30: 589-610.
  126. Gabel, H. L. (1991). Competitive Strategies for Product Standards: The Strategic Use of Compatibility Standards for Competitive Advantage. Berkshire, England, McGraw Hill Book Company.
  127. Gallaugher, J. M. and Y. Wang (2002). "Understanding Network Effects in Software Markets: Evidence from Web Server Pricing." MIS Quarterly 26(4): 303-327.
  128. Galliers, R. D. (1985). In Search of a Paradigm for Information Systems Research. Research Methods in Information Systems. G. Fitzgerald, R. A. Hirschheim, E. Mumford and A. T. Wood-Harper. Amsterdam, Elisiver Science Publishers: 271-286.
  129. Galliers, R. D. and W. R. J. Baets (1998). Information Technology and Organizational Transformation: The Holy Grail of IT? Chichester, England, John Wiley & Sons.
  130. Gallivan, M. J. (2001). "Organizational Adoption and Assimilation of Complex Technological Innovations: Development and Application of a New Framework." ACM SIGMIS Database 32(3): 51-85.
  131. Gandal, N., D. Salant, et al. (2003). "Standards in Wireless Telephone Networks." Telecommunications Policy 27(5-6): 325-332.
  132. Garate, A., N. Herrasti, et al. (2005). GENIO: An Ambient Intelligence Application in Home Automation and Entertainment Environment. Proceedings of the 2005 joint conference on Smart Objects and Ambient Intelligence: Innovative Context-aware Services: Usages and Technologies (sOc-EUSAI’05), Grenoble, France, ACM Press: New York, NY, USA.
  133. Garlan, D., D. Siewiorek, et al. (2002). "Project Aura: Toward Distraction-Free Pervasive Computing." Pervasive Computing 1(2): 22-31.
  134. Gatignon, H. and T. S. Robertson (1989). "Technology Diffusion: An Empirical Test of Competitive Effects." Journal of Marketing 53: 35-49.
  135. Geroski, P. A. (2000). "Models of Technology Diffusion." Research Policy 29: 603-625.
  136. Gershenson, C. and F. Heylighen (2004). Protocol Requirements for Self Organizing Artifacts: Towards an Ambient Intelligence. In: International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS2004), Boston, MA, USA.
  137. Gershman, A. and A. Fano (2003). Customer Service with Eyes. in Ubiquitous Commerce Workshop, UbiComp 2003, Seattle, WA, USA.
  138. Gershman, A. and A. Fano (2005). "Examples of Commercial Applications of Ubiquitous Computing." Communications of the ACM 48(3): 71.
  139. Gibbs, J., K. L. Kraemer, et al. (2003). "Environment and Policy Factors Shaping Global E-Commerce Diffusion: A Cross-Country Comparison." The Information Society 19: 5-18.
  140. Godoe, H. (2000). "Innovation Regimes, R&D and Radical Innovations in Telecommunications." Research Policy 29: 1033-1046.
  141. Green, D. G. and D. Newth (2001). "Towards a Theory of Everything? – Grand Challenges in Complexity and Informatics." Complexity International 8.
  142. Green, N., R. H. R. Harper, et al. (2001). "Configuring the Mobile User: Sociological and Industry Views." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5(146-156).
  143. Greenstein, S. (1998). "Commercializing the Internet." IEEE Micro 18(6): 6-7.
  144. Grover, V., K. D. Fielder, et al. (1997). "Empirical Evidence on Swanson’s Tri-Core Model of Information Systems Innovation." Information Systems Research 8(3): 273-287.
  145. Grover, V. and M. D. Goslar (1993). "The initiation, adoption, and implementation of telecommunications technologies in U.S. organizations." Journal of Management Information Systems 10(1): 141-163.
  146. Gruber, H. (2000). "The Evolution of Market Structure in Semiconductors: the Role of Product Standards." Research Policy 29(6): 725-740.
  147. Gupta, P. and D. Moitra (2004). "Evolving a Pervasive IT Infrastructure: A Technology Integration Approach." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(1): 31-41.
  148. Gupta, S. and E. Karahanna (2004). Technology Adoption in Complex Systems. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the Southern Association for Information Systems (SAIS), Savannah, Georgia, USA.
  149. Gurbaxani, V. (1990). "Diffusion in Computing Networks: The Case of BITNET." Communications of the ACM 33(12): 65-75.
  150. Hagras, H., V. Callaghan, et al. (2004). "Creating an Ambient-Intelligence Environment Using Embedded Agents." IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(6): 12-20.
  151. Hahn, H. and K. Turowski (2005). "Modularity of the Software Industry: A Model for the Use of Standards and Alternative Coordination Mechanisms." International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research 3(2): 29-41.
  152. Haines, M. N. (2004). Web Services as Information Systems Innovation: A Theoretical Framework for Web Service Technology Adoption. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services, (ICWS’04), San Diego, California, USA, IEEE.
  153. Hallnas, L. and J. Redstrom (2001). "Slow Technology – Designing for Reflection." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5: 201-212.
  154. Hanseth, O., E. Jacucci, et al. (2006). "Reflexive Standardization: Side Effects and Complexity in Standard Making." MIS Quarterly 30(Special Issue): 563-581.
  155. Harter, A., A. Hopper, et al. (2001). "The Anatomy of a Context-Aware Application." Wireless Networks 8(2-3): 187-197.
  156. Hazewindus, N., P. Ballon, et al. (2000). "The Impact of Convergence on the Competitiveness of the European Consumer Electronics Industry." First Monday 5(12).
  157. Helal, S. (2005). "Programming Pervasive Spaces." Pervasive Computing 4(1): 84-87.
  158. Henderson, R. M. and K. B. Clark (1990). "Architectural Innovation: The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms." Administrative Science Quarterly 35: 9-30.
  159. Henricksen, K., J. Indulska, et al. (2001). Infrastrucure for Pervasive Computing: Challenges. Proceedings of the Informatik 2001: Workshop on Pervasive Computing, Vienna.
  160. Hild, S. G. (2001). "Application Hosting for Pervasive Computing." IBM Systems Journal 40(1): 193.
  161. Hirschheim, R. A. (1985). Information Systems Epistemology: An Historical Perspective. Research Methods in Information Systems. G. Fitzgerald, R. A. Hirschheim, E. Mumford and A. T. Wood-Harper. Amsterdam, Elisiver Science Publishers: 9-33.
  162. Hjelm, B. and K. Long (2001). Standards, Strategy and Wireless Network Planning. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT 2001, Boulder, CO, USA, IEEE.
  163. Hogg, K., P. Chilcott, et al. (2004). An Evaluation of Web Services in the Design of a B2B Application. Proceedings of the 27th Australasian Computer Science Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, Australian Computer Society, Inc.
  164. Horgan, J. (1995). "From Complexity to Perplexity." Scientific American 272(6): 104-109.
  165. Hovav, A., R. Patnayakuni, et al. (2004). "A Model of Internet Standards Adoption: The Case of IPv6." Information Systems Journal 14: 265-294.
  166. Huff, S. L. and M. C. Munro (1985). "Information Technology Assessment and Adoption: A Field Study." MIS Quarterly 9(4): 327-339.
  167. Hughes, T. P. (1987). The Evolution of Large Technological Systems. The Social Construction of Technological Systems : New Directions in the Sociology of History of Technology W. E. Bijker, T. P. Hughes and T. J. Pinch. London, MIT Press.
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Updated 26th July, ’07